Travel Insights

My Singapore Musings!

As some of my clients know, I carve out time for just one trade show every year in Singapore of which I am lucky enough to continue to be invited back to- very grateful!

So why do it? As an agent working regionally – we simply do not see the sales reps pass through town we used to. I get it, everyones budgets took a hit a few years back but I can say sales calls havent come back like they used to. Why is that important to me or why should it matter to you? The travel industry is about relationships – genuine ones. Building rapport with a rep and the brands you trust to look after your clients is crucial, especially when you need a hand or to VIP one of you. I’m also at the stage in my career I’m not taking an agent trip at the drop of a hat – I have three children at home I am OBSSESSED with and honestly want to enjoy this time before they fly the coop, or perform at school or on sporting fields, lose a tooth or simply just want a cuddle. Copious agent familiarisation trips can wait for now.

Anyway, back to the task – and thanks for still reading on, this blog like my many others is written just as if I was speaking to you in person, its very deliberate!

This year I flew Qantas right through to Singapore and nothing out of the ordinary was experienced on the Tamworth to Sydney flight. Arriving an hour before takes all the pressure off checking all the way through when you can, remember to keep the baggage receipt safe. The randomness of who gets asked to take a layer off and who doesn’t still confuses me at this airport security–so advice remains, dress sensibly! Re reading my travel notes that comes with your documents in regards to what goes in what bag still important – one lady upset she lost some items as her checked bag had already been sent through.

Upon arriving in Sydney I took the Qantas transfer service to International terminal, it took only ten minutes from arriving at the domestic desk to standing at International immigration. This process sometimes confuses clients so I took a few photos to support this process for clients on future travels! Immigration as we know are electronic gates now, simply scanning your passport photo and staring into the abyss until you get the green tick and the gates open. This only took seven minutes on this trip but if the airport is busy, a lot longer – so continue to arrive at the airport 3 hours prior to departure. Security after was much the same as always, despite not having to remove my jacket here and staff were generally friendlier than usual!

Like I say to my clients, I exchanged cash at one of the in-terminal money exchanges but never more than I am insured to lose (and certainly not an amount that raises eyebrows at the next border!) You can of course order it before at the post office or bank if you want to have it in hand before the day.

Lounges are a fabulous option if you get the opportunity –this time I was lucky enough to be able to visit the Amex lounge and found it such a quiet nook to relax. A smaller space, fitted out very peacefully and a modest selection of food and drink to try.

I flew on a Qantas A380 to Singapore which is the third I’ve been on of a different brand. I do love this aircraft and for someone my height, economy is comfortable enough. Sadly I relied on socks in an amenity kit which seem to have seen their way out and my entertainment screen wasn’t working properly – which happens and the flight was very full so didn’t worry the staff about it. Here’s your reminder to take socks and have an entertainment plan B, always! If you don’t know also, Qantas don’t have a ‘tray service’ for economy class meals anymore either, the meals are much smaller. Many snacks were offered but if you’re travelling with a big meal eater, perhaps consider that at an airport option or take some extra food with you (remembering to leave on plane if opened and not eaten).

Taxis or ‘Grab’s (Asian Uber) are so easy to get from SingaporeAirport on arrival, I prefer a taxi as they are literally there and waiting, it costs around AUD$40 to get to a centrally located hotel. Of course you can prebook transfers but expect to pay a little more. Grab I do use for moving around Singapore as they are generally a little more cost effective.

The first night I stayed at one of my Singapore favourites,Mondrian Duxton Hill! This property is located in what it feels like to live in Singapore- local shophouses line the street and Chinatown is a short walk away.This property is the perfect balance between the old and the new, with a rooftop pool and bar of perfect size to end the day. Rooms are on the smaller size but they really pack a punch in how they are configured – the lead in would be fine for travellers who do not spend a lot of time in their rooms. The corner suites are nice and offer separate areas but my pick of course are the shophouses, stunning in design and each of them different in styling. Breakfast was amazing and it was lovely to again meet the sales team onsite (relationships are king as I said!)

For this trip I wanted to try something new and I was lucky enough to be hosted by Marina Bay Sands. This also did include attending an exclusive event hosted in the same suite Taylor Swift stayed in while there – a part of their new Paiza Collection. This collection has its own entrance beneath the property, lined with their Rolls Royce vehicles and it doesn’t matter which way you looked, it was pure opulence. This level of accommodation was a no brainer to include atMarina Bay Sands and the sales rep is one of the hardest working I know, he’s sent me home with so much knowledge about this new entrant to luxury in Singapore, please don’t hesitate to ask!

I checked in at the lobby which is always a busy here, but with umpteen staff it really didn’t take long at all! This space is always busy with people and perhaps not for everyone and certainly I have had people question my decision to stay here as ‘the lifts will take too long in the morning’ –this wasn’t my experience here at all, not even once! I wondered if I would be disappointed when accessing the room I would stay at Marina Bay Sands for the trade show after seeing where Taylor Swift had a bath, but the newly renovated room in tower two left me wanting for absolutely nothing! The room service was impeccable and what I call pre-emptive rather than reactive. So much space and a beautiful balcony I had facing the sea, overlooking the very famous gardens and would also catch the sunset on this side also.  Did you know on a nice day you can see Indonesia and Malaysia when standing on the top level of this magnificent building!

There are so many food and beverage options here at the property and none of it left me disappointed! It was so lovely to have breakfast up top at Spago in the fresh air and of course those views. The breakfast and buffet lunch at Rise on the ground floor was also really impressive in options. Japanese lunch at Wakuda was up there with the best Japanese restaurants I have been to.

Now lets talk about the pool up top.. it seems to be very divisive, so I was really keen to visit and make my own mind up about this. I have seen travellers fall in love with the pool inspo and certainly saw a lot taking photos of their own in this pool while I was there. It was really nice to see people enjoying themselves in the moment. I’ve also listened to comments about it being tacky and touristy, the water must be a germ fest with so many people in it.. the list goes on. While non guests can access and pay a fee.. just like you would a beach club in Europe, there is a separate section for guests which is much quieter and away from the busy entrance area. I do feel MBS have balanced out the pool to serve as an attraction but also an amenity as a guest – and was left wondering if anyone who complained about the amount of people using a pool have ever used a public one?! The view from the pool is amazing, I say do it as a guest and enjoy the best of both worlds!

So onto business, the reason I was there! ILTM (International Luxury Travel Market) is a show that happens everywhere annually in different parts of the world and attendance is invitation only. I love the apac show as it’s the closest to home and those kids I told you I am obsessed with! Its three days on your feet with many matched prebooked appointments and more I managed to squeeze in breaks and after the day. Its lovely to see trade faces I know well, new faces I want to work with and ones I didn’t know existed – and this year there was plenty of those. I met with 47 suppliers in appointments and many more at four lunches and two night events. These connections are crucial for my clients travel and in building my little black book of operators and experiences you wont read about in a store brochure. I always see more reps in these three days than I will in my Tamworth office in a whole year or more honestly! I’m really excited to be able to use some new product in future client itineraries.

Other notable experiences while in Singapore? For me its always doing what the locals do and there is never enough time to do what I want to do here, but there’s always next year. My one non negotiable was (and always is) hawkers market dinners! I had done Chinatown before as the walk through the wet market is always an experience as well, but this time visited Lau Pa Sat twice. So many options here and while you may walk around a little while for a table, it never took too long. Easily the best cheese tarts and egg tarts I have ever had here (I’m a tragic for dessert!). This option also has ‘SatayStreet;’ along one side which is also a fab experience. So many traditional bbq’s lined up and plates piled with meats and sauces to be enjoyed outside with a jug of Singha beer! I shared an egg tart with the Grab driver on the way back to MBS as he was so generous with his local knowledge, kindness while you travel goes a long, long way!

Sadly my time had come to an end and I had taken my own advice and arranged late check out for my night flight back. I cant put a value on having a shower, a lay down and just a general relax before boarding a night flight, especially in economy! I took a taxi back to the airport and left myself an hour for this journey. While I have never struck it before myself in Singapore, an accident on the busy road out there can change things very quickly– so never leave it to the last minute in this city.

I was surprised that for Qantas in Singapore its just self serve kiosk check in and tagging the bags through independently. I found this a deflating start I suppose to the journey home, so be prepared for this if you’re flying the same way with them. I made my way through immigration but my carry on bags weren’t checked until boarding which was different. Again the advice remains about being at your boarding gate in plenty of time! The gate was down a very quiet area of the airport I hadn’t been in before, only a handful of shops and one option for eating without going all they way back to the main area. My tip would be to get what you need there before making your way to the gate.

Sadly I wasn’t flying home on an A380 and didn’t I know it! The seating was much tighter on the smaller 777 so most definitely do your seating here in advance if you need the legroom, even if you need to pay for it! The entertainment was provided on a tablet and I couldn’t for the life of me workout how to attach the headphones without assistance- but grateful it worked this time! Staff were friendly and helpful and I was very soon back to Sydney International and what seemed like the longest queue on earth for the machines that cleverly scan eligible passports to get yourself out of there as soon as possible. It seemed many flights arrived at the same time but little staff direction, everyone queued at the first machines on sight.  What I would say to you is that there are more available further along, keep walking through!

A quick experience through the gate then and luggage collection and thankfully waved through any bag checks so made my way directly through to the Qantas terminal transfer service. It was busy and a longer wait this time but essentially so much easier than taking the train or TBus and rechecking luggage at domestic. Once on board, domestic terminal was only ten minutes away.

Again, the experience on the Sydney/Tamworth flight was largely the same as usual- was so good to be back despite the vast difference in temperature!

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